
Showing posts from October 1, 2017

Wonderful Wonderful(Deluxe)- The Killers Review

It's finally here. After all the anticipation of four singles and a bunch of over the top late night TV performances, the new The Killers album has come out. So let's jump right in! Wonderful Wonderful, the title track and first track of the album, is a gigantic reverberating experimental piece that's okay, but I really don't see its point. I've listened to The Man tons of times before, and its masculine disco swagger never ceases to be the strutting pop rock arena-ready song that it is, a good song for the radio and perhaps even better in a gigantic stadium. This song is what helped revitalize The Killers after their not so good recent albums, and while not matching Mr. Brightside with everything from its opening words to its great breakdown for the bridge, it comes close. Rut is a quiet-ish modern take on classic crooning soft rock, which may be beautiful but would get boring after a couple listens. It may be meaningful but old soft rock doesn't need to be r