NY to LA- The Hunna Review
The Hunna have been preparing for an album, with mixed results. summer and Flickin' Your Hair were pretty good and Dare was okay, but YDWIWM was a bit of a mess. One problem they have is cohesiveness in their style, and originality. That problem really shows through in this song, which takes their most common style: a faster copy of Catfish and the Bottlemen. The vocalist for The Hunna isn't as good as the one for Catfish and the Bottlemen, but they certainly bring more energy. I feel their songs don't really feel that powerful, the lyrics with little meaning and not a very charismatic style. Songs like She's Casual, Summer (which sets them in a more poppy vein they're better in) and Flickin' Your Hair are good, but it looks like this album is shaping up to be a mediocre one.