Bad Suns is probably the best pop-rock band in the world. With roots in post-punk, all their songs are emotive, unique, catchy and guitar based. And guess what- they can actually play their instruments! And even more surprising for a Pop-rock band, they use instruments! In addition, both their albums are excellent all the way through, something not many bands can claim. I was a bit surprised to see this new single on YouTube, because their last album, Disappear Here, was released only a year ago, and the tours for that are just finishing(sadly I missed them). The song starts with a glittery keyboard, excellent fuzzy but controlled guitar, a smattering of Passion Pit-esque synths and a bit of simple drumming. Those synthes continue through a song about growing up and things changing too fast to track, with barely any of that good guitar(where are the riffs of Disappear here?). It ends with a Imagine Dragons or similar band breaking apart ending with the chorus repeating and lots of oo...