When is their album gonna come out?! We've waited so long, and yet they release another single. Alright, well at least it's good. The music is yet another blend of excellent pop rock guitars and synths, this time backed with reggae influenced synths and beats that were also prevalent on Wishful Thinking. This shows Kyd The Band at its best- plenty of great instrumentals, excellent transition between the choruses and verses, plenty of meaning and great delivery. I'd heard a very primitive early version of this on youtube a couple weeks ago, and this is much better- the same part sticks with me from both, the great line"I can see her smile even when it's upside down". That's kind of the ethos of the song and to a certain extent Kyd The Band- lamenting what's going on, but being eternally optimistic and witty. Kyd The Band has really proved themselves as good over and over, and American Dreamer seems to be propelling tem to the fame they deserve. I...