Void- The Neighbourhood Review
This past year has been a big one for The Neighbourhood: two EPs, lots of buzz and a hit on Alternative radio, Scary Love. The first EP, Hard, was an eclectic Indie affair that was slightly better than the second EP, the very electronic To Imagine. And now we have this new song, Void, and the announcement of The Neighbourhood, their eighteen track, eponymous third album. It'll include both EPs, and is a bit weird as most bands' first album is eponymous, not their third. Anyway, let's get to the review, shall we? The instrumentals are some very spacey, modern and electronic, with keyboards similar to the ones all over Too Imagine and drum beats that are reminiscent of real drums but still very artificial. They set up for Jesse Rutherford's vocals, which are halfway between his normal style and a newer one originally shown on Stuck With Me, kind of waving to and through with the beat. The lyrics are very emotive, full of longing, and the vocals and song are well struct...