2in1! JOYFUL/ Don't Stay- X Ambassadors Review(s)
X Ambassadors... well, I have some mixed feelings about them. They range from kinda bad to kinda good, and almost at random. Their first album was decent, with their biggest hit (and one of their best songs) being made for a Jeep commercial. They released a few singles last year, the mediocre Torches, Hoping, and Ahead Of Myself, and one pretty good one, The Devil You Know. I was happy that last song is going to be on JOYFUl, their new and second album, as it's the only one worth listening to so far. Both these singles came out within a week or two of each other, so I decided to review them together. JOYFUL starts as a pretty basic piano song with a verse that seems like it was written out of a rhyming dictionary, and launches into a trying-to-be-uplifting chorus. The second verse is a bit better, with some okay, basic drums, but is ruined as all the horns and entire choir and organ come in. It seems like it's trying to be the peak of some neo-gospel song, but there'd ...