Change- Sir Sly Review

I've been pretty excited for Sir Sly's new album, with the great song High, the success of their last album, and the variation in their new singles. So when I saw that they had a new song out, I listened to it right away. It starts off with a chill, almost The Neighbourhood-esque guitar that seems to jerk along, but isn't bad, and periodic electronic claps. Then it dissolves into melancholy piano line, with Landon Jacobs singing almost lightly and pleadingly, asking his lover to stay with him. Then it goes back to the guitar, with the vocals continuing in the same fashion. At about two and a half minutes, the song appears to wind down and end. But then it comes back, in a not-so-dramatic move.
Overall, not a bad song, but not a very good omen of what Sir Sly's next album will be like. The guitar is good, but hopefully Sir Sly won't mirror The Neighbourhood's Wiped Out failure, with nine gloomy and chill songs and finally at the end of the album, one great and explosive song(RIP 2 My Youth for The NBHD and High for Sir Sly).


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