Signs of Life- Arcade Fire Review
Signs of Life starts off with the sounds of an ambulance and emergency radio chatter, which leads in to massive hand claps and some good notes on the bass. Then a saxophone and some glittering but urgent cascading keyboard synths come in. Suddenly, Win Butler launches into repetitious lyrics which fit their content, about how humans do the same thing over and over again and don't know why. When the second verse ends, the saxophone gears up to a background of cavernous synths, and then cuts out to give impact to lyrics about trying to figure out a direction in life, and then the same chorus over again.
The main advantages of the song are its great musical composition, lyrics that effectively communicate the subject, and jazzy saxophone. The main disadvantages are the overuse of too many instruments, the overly repeated chorus, and the slightly choral aspect to the song. The song doesn't match the power of Everything Now, but it's still a great single in its trio that makes me, who never really liked Arcade Fire, want to purchase their new album and at least listen to every one after that.
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