Saturnz Barz Cadenza Remix- Gorillaz Review
The reason I like the original song is because it show Gorillaz at their best- edgy electropop with a guest appearance but still a little bit of Damon Albarn singing through his melancholy filter about some problem he has. This remix makes the song more distorted and yet more clean and dancey, speeding everything up except when Popcaan says "No, All My Life", which gives the song better emphasis and depth. It also adds Caribbean rappers that go in and out with the original music just like my favorite local radio station, 107.5 Flava Station. And Damon Albarn even sounds a bit happy, singing about how he dances with only holographs for company. Overall, the song is a lot more fun, and even Damon Albarn lamenting about his loss can't change that.
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