You're The Best Thing About Me- U2 Review

Related imageI haven't listened to much U2, but I've listened to enough to know that they're past their prime in popularity and ability(a recent video showed The Edge messing up Where The Streets Have No Name as he played it for the thousandth time while looking defeated), are prone to falling to the same old tropes, but also have excellent instrumentation. This new single comes after two records that were relative flops, a Joshua Tree anniversary tour, and two song off of "Songs Of Experience" played live but not released, The Little Things That Give You Away and The Blackout. This song does have pretty good lyrics, is well structured and sounds a lot cleaner than other U2 tracks. But that cleanness comes at the price that it doesn't really focus on U2's strong suit which is a good guitar riff, and falls prey to sounding dancey and poppy. The track also repeats the same line too many times(which happens to be the title), which works better than other songs but is still a tired U2 trope. I think this song is pretty good, but it seems like a distinct attempt to get a hit on alternative/rock radio, if not pop radio. This could actually work but it could turn out to be another flop, and if the whole album also bombs it could consign U2 to being a tired oldies and nostalgia act, which is not something you ever want to be.


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