Finally! A new song by Kyd The Band, purveyors of excellent indie pop/rock(and maybe ice cream too). It's not an album or EP, and it's not strictly new, but it's good all the same. I'm pretty sure this is not the same exact song as was on the demo, because the instrumentals seem a bit different, possibly even better because when i originally listened to it I didn't think much of it. It starts with a weird almost carnivalistic guitar(?), and the excellent driving melancholy rhythm guitar that continues through the song and ties it together. The song effectively mixes a quiet verse with a louder keening chorus, which as my friend said after listening for the first time, is catchy. I also detected some reggae elements(in the guitar a bit) in there, not the terrible dancehall that's pervading modern pop but real good reggae. The vocals in the chorus are pretty good, fully using the singer's voice and a hard hitting natural drum set. the chorus continues the reggae vibe, with a falsetto that matches perfectly with the guitar.
Hopefully Kyd The band will release something longer soon, and hopefully more of it is upbeat than the last two songs. Ice Cream and American Dreamer remain the best of the four. Wishful Thinking is markedly better than Feel Something, but still isn't the best they can do. Hopefully they'll release more soon, and it will be better. Despite that, I still think that American Dreamer will make it on to the alternative charts, or at least give them enough popularity that something in the near future will.
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