Within Waves EP- The Kents Review

Image result for the kents within wavesI just discovered this up and coming Canadian Indie Rock band, and I'm just blown away. How could an excellent Canadian Indie band that would fit well in the same playlist or radio station with everything from Young The Giant to The Neighbourhood or Arctic Monkeys not be instantly popular? Last year's Waking EP was pretty good, but left room for improvement- which is exactly what this new EP is.

The EP starts with the stadium but still indie sound that will no doubt land them a contract to be supports on the next Young The Giant or Cold War Kids album, the anthemic From The Start expertly introduces the rest of the record with arpeggiating guitars and a general workmanship and craft rarely found. Caroline (I Can't Explain), a classic Indie pop song, is basically made for the radio, but still excellent with its warm guitars and yearning but still defiant vocals and perfectly timed breakdowns and buildups. I can see it played on every Alternative radio station from here to South Korea, and unless it gets played over and over or by Top 40 stations it won't lose any of it's value. Is There Anyone? and Distant are both curiously off-beat tunes that continue in the same guitar based and synth complimented style, with the same great vocals from their more anthemic songs. These are songs that will never be popular, but are definitely worth listening to and would be great live, especially the gigantic crescendo that ends Distant. Distant blends perfectly in to the closer for this EP, Low Light, works very well with cascading synths, a basic guitar riff and self questioning lyrics to end up a fantastic record.

The Kents have a pretty bright future ahead of them, and with more publicity and a full length album they could do very well. But in the meantime, I'll be listening to their already stellar music, and you should too.


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