The 1975 released their opus two years ago with I Love It When You Sleep, and fans have been clamoring for new music ever since. They whetted everyone's appetite with DH00278, but the excitement only lasted as long as the two hours it took to listen, as it was just a live recording from their performance at the O2, not new music. But now they finally do have new music, but Music For Cars has been scrapped, and is now merely a title for the period of the next two albums, dropping this year and the next. They're called A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships and Notes on a Conditional Form, and I don't know whether to be happy there's two of them or annoyed because the first won't even drop until October. Anyway, I'm happy at the moment because we have Give Yourself a Try right now (with a crazy video I'd have to do another review of there's so much in it) and I'm currently happy. Who know where I'll be if they don't drop anything more before October ???
The entire song is based around a very energetic guitar riff that really builds an excellent shoegaze - like foundation for the rest of the song to build off of. And it really does build off of that little lick, a song perfect for the radio but a tad awkward and too cerebral to be a bubblegum pop every twenty minute for a year track. There are a lot of political and social commentary messages in the song (as to be expected with Matty Healy), but they move aside for a message of general empowerment that has to deal with growing up even as you're an adult, and looking back on you're mistakes and accepting them. Musically the idea of one constant riff is powerful but would have even more power if it
occasionally stopped and punched back in. I like this more natural shoegazed tinged The 1975, but I'd like to see variety on the album, and I'm sure they won't disappoint. My favorite line is "I found a grey hair in one of my suits/ Like context in a modern debate I just took it out".
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