The Decemberists 8/14 Concert Review

A View of the Stage Once The Skull Turned on Late in the Show
To be honest, the only Decemberists I'd hard before this concert was Severed, the lead single of their most recent record, I'll Be Your Girl.The concert was postponed a day because of rain, but luckily it didn't rain very much the day of the show. Hamilton Leithauser, apparently a veteran of many bands I've never heard of, did a good job of warming up the crowd. Apparently it was the last show he'd do for awhile, and he did it pretty well. He was on the perfect edge between pretty good and well thought out music (and thankfully with a good soundcheck too) without overshadowing the headliner, and the conversational interludes and humility of being the opening act. The Decemberists started with Severed, and after they moved on from the only song I recognized they moved into nine albums' worth of music the true fans at the event did recognize. They put on a good and well rehearsed show, honed by two decades of practice, where every single member of the band did their bit, and did it well. The audience participation was definitely there, with many singing along, enough talk from Colin Meloy to get to know the band but not deaden the show. I really think they should be called The Octoberists instead, because all of their sounds and textures through haunting keys, accordion and more traditional guitar and strings mixed with the somewhat melancholy lyrics bring to mind the gentle browns and leaves of fall as opposed to the cold and snow of later in the year. Many of their songs were quite long, going into a haze where song didn't really matter as opposed to the great music. They played a song written and scrapped for the part of Benjamin Franklin for the musical Hamilton, and even brought out a giant whale at the end for The Mariner's Revenge Song. Their music is still not my favorite, but the show was good enough that I will listen to and enjoy their music for some time to come.


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